I'm back after an extremely long hiatus. Why? Simply put this blog has bothered me for a long time. More succinctly, what the hell am I going to write about? I don't have any overarching passions more like a lot of little ones. I don't want to simply chronicle my life or constantly write about my ideas and opinions. Of course, I want some of that but I feel that by only focusing on those types of things this blog would be too general. Lack focus and therefore depth.
Sooo, my new idea is to have theme days. For example, I love to read so every week I'll have a post about -- "Hey what are you reading right now?" I also love to travel so a weekly blog about that (maybe more than a weekly blog.) Sadly with travel I cannot do it as often as I would like so this theme will be about not only where I've been but (optimistically) where I'm going to go. I also want a weekly post about just beautiful things. Things that I saw, smelled, touched that were beautiful and made me happy. I think this post will be on Fridays. Kind of a nice way to get the weekend started.
So in summary, I sincerely apologize for my recent blogging break and promise there will be more and better coming this way. Stay tuned.